Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quitting Drinking for the First Time

About this Blog

I was diagnosed as an alcoholic and I decided to quit drinking alcohol to straighthen up my life. I know it is not easy to give up a habit that has been into my system in a long period of time. The dependency to alcohol may have created a huge addiction to my system and quitting drinking is difficult but I did all my best in order to beat alcoholism. It is easier said than done but bith the help of my family, friends and quit drinking program that I chose, I managed to get out of alcohol addiction and live a normal life. It really takes a lot of courage and determination, as well as motivation and discipline to get out and obtain the results I want but finally i did it. I am very glad that I kick the bad habit and quit drinking alcohol. I may say that it is the best decision I made in my entire life. I am a slave of the habit for a long time but I totally break free from alcohol addiction and enjoy the benefits. I promise my self that I will not taste even a single drop of alcohol again. I will never be hooked to that old habit once again and I will avoid all things that may trigger my attitude back into alcohol abuse. Now, I am in my journey of maintaining my sobriety and keep away from binge drinking.

If you have the same desire as I am and wanted to quit drinking alcohol, you should consider all tips and ideas provided by this blog. I can say and I can guarantee you that it is possible to be alcohol free and beat alcoholism. You can get out of alcoholism if you just wish to. Remember that no matter what happens and no matter what it takes, we should focus on our goal. We should put our full attention to all the needed requirements to be able to quit drinking. I managed to quit drinking and have it maintain for good. It’s been 4 years now since my last taste of alcohol and it have proven that my decision to quit drinking is not bad after all.

I made this “Ways to Quit Drinking Alcohol” blog to share all the things I experienced while I am in the peek of being hooked to alcohol addiction. I want to share all the troubles and problems I have cost to all the people surrounding me especially my family when I am under the influence of alcohol. I also want to share my feelings and thoughts towards all the public scandals and all the indecency acts I’ve done while I am drunk. This is why I made this blog.

I found out that there are people who are alcoholics but are not aware of it.  I also found out that there are situations that can be avoided and prevented if help is just accessible. It goes with the saying "Prevention is better than cure." It is important to prevent it from happening in the first place than doing something when it already happens.  Many people should not have been hooked to alcoholism if they know how to avoid it and react to it accordingly.

I also want to give away tips on how to prevent and avoid being drunk and how to stop binge drinking. You would be surprised to know how I managed to fight alcoholism in a way that everybody benefitted from it. I want to provide ways to quit drinking alcohol to those people who are hooked to alcoholism and probably want to give up alcohol now. This blog will give ideas and information on how to quit drinking alcohol on your own. It will share stories and actual events happened while I am struggling to get out of alcoholism. I will also give away tips and techniques about how to recover from alcohol addiction after quitting drinking. This blog will also present effective ways to stop drinking, overcome the cravings and the "famous-hard-to-deal-with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. You will also find on this blog what things you should expect prior to quitting drinking.

It’s my intention to help others achieved what I have achieved in the last four years after I gave up alcohol and I want to help other alcoholics to quit drinking easily and if possible, how to do it naturally. It’s possible to kick the habit of drinking excessively and stop binge drinking without help from alcohol rehabilitation center or without drugs and other medications. But in most cases, it is very wise to treat alcoholism in an alcohol rehab center. They can provide programs and treatments if emergency situations arise.

My main goal is to give free tips on quitting drinking alcohol. Every alcoholic have a chance to gain victory against the fight in alcohol addiction and keep away from the habit forever but the problem lies on the lacking of knowledge regarding proper approach and correct timing at the starting point. We all have a chance to get out of the terrible habit of binge drinking and we should do all necessary actions to give up alcohol. There are plenty of ways to quit drinking alcohol which are available for us to use. We should open our eyes on these effective ways to stop drinking. We should try analyzing at least every method available and study what method suits our condition and situation.

We have individual differences, physically and emotionally. Methods that apply on a specific individual should not be expected to be effective with other individuals. I will discuss this in a more detailed post later on.

In the meantime, join me in my advocacy to help others provide ways to quit drinking alcohol and help me keep the engine from running by sharing your own  experiences and stories and your own ideas about life after quitting drinking.

1 comment:

The Clean Life said...

Great article! I can relate to it all being I was addicted to alcohol for years and finally sober and living the life I should be. I write many articles on my experiences and how I found my sobriety again in hope that someone would read them and help them achieve the sobriety. It's a tough thing to quit for sure.,but as you said in another post with the will and determination and keeping a positive attitude anyone can become sober.